Mechanical Engineering, M.S.E

An individual in business attire stands with arms crossed in a classroom

Interested in being at the forefront of  fuel cell science and green energy conversion? You will find the skills you need to excel with the College of Engineering’s Master of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering degree.

The program offers two paths: one that is coursework only and another more traditional one that includes coursework, research and a thesis.

Either way, this on-campus STEM program with three main objectives:

  • Deepen your technical knowledge to match your personal career goals
  • Prepare you to advance into leadership positions
  • Develop your ability to sustain a life-long career in engineering

Why Study Mechanical Engineering at Kettering University

  • You want to move into extend your research experience and better prepare yourself for a leadership position.
  • Faculty are researching Energy Systems, Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Computational Biomechanics, Automobile body structure design and crash analysis, Tire Mechanics, Noise, Vibration, Water collection and filtration technologies in the developing world, and Mechatronics.

What You'll Learn

The 10-course program includes Fuel Cell Science, Bio and Renewable Energy, Engineering Optimization, Applied Transport Phenomena and Green Energy Conversion.

The research laboratories available include e-design and e-manufacturing studio, energy systems lab, crash safety center, advanced engine research lab, DENSO International Dynamic Systems Design Studio and The Center for Fuel Cell Systems and Powertrain.

Mechanical engineers design, develop, build and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices. Job forecasts show average growth through 2029 and a median annual salary of $88,430 in 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering


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